PACK 109
1999-2000 PACK PLAN
Rev 08/18/99
SEP 99 "Hey, Look Us Over!"
Pack Meeting: Thur, 30 Sep, 7 pm, GH
First Monthly Uniform Inspection
Leaders Meeting: Tues, 14 Sep, 6:30 pm, BCC, rm 114
Roundtable: Tues, 14 Sep, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Round Up: Dan Wells, 228-5414 Any boy who recruits a friend will receive a special patch!
Training: Cub Scout Leader Basic Training: Sat, 11 Sep, 9 am -1 pm, CCUM, or
Sat, 18 Sep, 9 am -1 pm, CCUM, or
Mon & Tue, 27 & 28 Sep, 7-9 pm, BCC
OCT 99 "California Gold Rush"
Pack Meeting: Tues, 26 Oct, 7 pm, GH
Pumpkin Decorating Contest, Stake Your Claim Race
Leaders Meeting: Tues, 12 Oct, 6:30 pm, BCC, rm 114
Roundtable: Tues, 12 Oct, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Seneca District Camp-Out: Fall Family Frolic, Sat-Sun, 02-03 Oct, 8 am-12 noon next day, CCC
Seneca District Camp-Out: District Fall Camporee (Webelos Only), Fri-Sun, 08-10 Oct, tentative
Seneca District Tiger Tumble: 6:30- 8 pm, Metazoo stage, Louisville Zoo: Thur, 07 Oct, or
Wed, 13 Oct, or
Mon, 19 Oct
Lincoln Heritage Council Haunted Woods: 23 Oct, 11 am-4 pm, TMR
Training: Cub Scout Leader Basic Training: Sat, 09 Oct, 9 am-1 pm, SMUM, or
Mon & Tue, 18 & 19 Oct, 7-9 pm, BCC, or
Sat, 06 Nov, 9 am-1 pm, SMUM
Training: Webelos Leader Outdoor Training, Sat-Sun, 16-17 Oct, 8:30 am-noon next day, CCC
NOV 99 "Discover Our Family Heritage"
Pack Meeting: Tues, 23 Nov, 7 pm, GH
Bring a Poster of Your Family Tree and a Canned Food Donation, families sign up for Xmas gifts
Leaders Meeting: Tues, 09 Nov, 6:30 pm, BCC, rm 114
Roundtable: Tues, 09 Nov, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Pack 109 Camp-Out: Wild Turkey Camp-Out, 20-21 Nov , noon-noon, TMR, Dan Wells, 228-5414
Lincoln Heritage Council Service Project: Scouting for Food - Sat, 20 Nov, 9 am, GH
Lincoln Heritage Council Popcorn Sales Begin: Sat, 13 Nov
Lincoln Heritage Council Massacre Trail, Sat, 6 Nov, 8 am, Middletown Christian Church,
11501 Main St, Middletown, KY, (just off Shelbyville Rd)
Training: Cub Scout Leader Basic Training: Sat, 06 Nov, 9 am-1 pm, SMUM
Training: Youth Protection: Tues, 09 Nov, 7:30 pm, BCC
DEC 99 "Holiday Magic"
Pack Meeting: Tues, 14 Dec, 7 pm, GH
Distribute Pinewood Derby Cars, bring a wrapped present for Christmas family, dens bring World Friendship Fund donations collected at their den meetings, Santa Claus (Rhody) visits
Leaders Meeting: none
Roundtable: Tues, 14 Dec, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Lincoln Heritage Council Popcorn Orders Due: Wed, 01 Dec, 8 pm
Lincoln Heritage Council Popcorn Delivered: Sat, 11 Dec
Pack 109 Re-Chartering: Y2K dues ($45/boy; leaders free) due by Pack Meeting, Tues, 14 Dec
Seneca District Cub Scout Skating Party: Wed, 29 Dec
JAN 00 "Does Not Compute"
Pack Meeting: Tues, 18 Jan, 7 pm, GH
Calendar Pitch game
Leaders Meeting: Tues, 11 Jan, 6:30 pm, BCC, rm 114
Roundtable: Tues, 11 Jan, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Camp-Out (Non-Cub Scout Sanctioned!): USS Silversides, Sat-Sun, 22-23 Jan, 8 am Sat-10 pm Sun, Lake Michigan, Dan Wells, 228-5414
Seneca District Camp-Out: District Winter Camporee (Webelos Only), 21-23 Jan, tentative
Pack 109 Pinewood Derby, Sat, 08 Jan, 5 pm, GH
Lincoln Heritage Council Popcorn Money Turn in: Thur, 06 Jan
Training: Pow-Wow: Sat, 15 Jan, 9 am-3 pm, all leaders should attend!
FEB 00 "Turn Back the Clock"
Pack Meeting: Tues, 22 Feb, 5 pm, GH
Blue and Gold Banquet
Leaders Meeting: Tues, 08 Feb, 6:30 pm, BCC, rm 114
Roundtable: Tues, 08 Feb, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Lincoln Heritage Council Scout-O-Rama Kick-Off and Ticket Sales Begin: Sat, 19 Feb,
Pack 109 Service Project: Friends of Scouting at Blue and Gold Banquet (6:30 pm)
Nationwide Scout Sunday: Sun, 6 Feb, wear your uniform to St. Francis' 9 am service!
Nationwide Scout Sabbath: Sat, 12 Feb, wear your uniform to your temple
Seneca District Recognition Dinner: Sat, 12 Feb,
Pack 109 Baden-Powell's Birthday Climb & Pizza Party: Sun, 06 Feb, noon-2 pm, Rocksport,
10901 Plantside Dr, 266-5833, $8/per person
Camp-Out (Non-Cub Scout Sanctioned!): Lost Sea Caverns, 26-27 Feb, 8 am Sat-4 pm Sun, Knoxville, TN, Dan Wells, 228-5414
MAR 00 "Cub Grub"
Pack Meeting: Tues, 28 Mar, 7 pm, GH
Pack-O-Rama, 2nd Year Webelos Transition
Leaders Meeting: Tues, 14 Mar, 6:30 pm, BCC, rm 114
Roundtable: Tues, 14 Mar, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Lincoln Heritage Council Camp-Out: Scout-O-Rama, 31 Mar-02 Apr
Lincoln Heritage Council Engineer Day: Sat, 11 Mar, TMR,
Seneca District Summer Camp Early Bird Sign-up: Sat-Wed, 11-15 Mar
Seneca District Pinewood Derby: 18 Mar
APR 00 "Bugs and Things"
Pack Meeting: Tues, 25 Apr, 7 pm, GH
Installation of new 2000-01 Pack 109 leaders
Leaders Meeting: Tues, 11 Apr, 6:30 pm, BCC, rm 114
Roundtable: Tues, 11 Apr, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Lincoln Heritage Council Scout-O-Rama Booth: Sat, 01 Apr, Churchill Downs
Lincoln Heritage Council Pinewood Derby: Sat, 01 Apr, Scout-O-Rama
Seneca District Tiger Spring Fling: Sun, 16 Apr
Training: Youth Protection: Tues, 11 Apr, 7:30 pm, BCC
MAY 00 "See the Forest for the Trees"
Pack Meeting: 23 May, 7 pm, GH
Tiger graduation, Bobcat, Wolf & Bear Ceremonies
Leaders Meeting: Tues, 09 May, 6:30 pm, BCC, rm 114
Roundtable: Tues, 09 May, 7:30 pm, BCC, FH
Pack 109 Rocket Launch and Picnic: 27 May (after Flag Planting), 10:30 am, St. Francis Church's front yard
Seneca District Camp-Out: District Spring Camporee (Webelos Only), 19-21 May, tentative
Lincoln Heritage Council Service Project: Memorial Day Flag Planting, Sat, 27 May, 8:30 am, Zachary Taylor Memorial Cemetery, 4701 Brownsboro Rd
Lincoln Heritage Council Engineer Day: Sat, 13 May, CCC
Pack 109 Hike: Tioga Falls, TBA, Dan Wells, 228-5414
JUN 00 "Space: The New Frontier"
Pack 109 Bicycle Derby: TBA
Seneca District Day Camp: TBA
JUL 00 "From Sea to Shining Sea"
Pack 109 Bubble Pool Swim: TBA
Lincoln Heritage Council Webelos Resident Camp: 4 days/3 nights: Sat-Tues, 22-25 Jul, or
Wed-Sat, 26-29 Jul, or
Sun-Thur, 30 Jul-03 Aug, or
Fri-Mon, 04-07 Aug
AUG 00 "Toughen Up"
Pack 109 Bubble Pool Swim: TBA
Camp-Out, Flaget Trail, 19-20 Aug
GH Graves Hall, St. Francis Church BCC rm 114 or FH (Fellowship Hall)
6710 Wolf Pen Branch Rd Beargrass Christian Church
4100 Brownsboro Rd
CCC Camp Crooked Creek TMR Tunnel Mill Reservation
Bullitt County (next to Bernheim Forest) Charlestown, IN
CCUM Christ Church United Methodist SMUM St. Mathews United Methodist
4614 Brownsboro Rd 319 Browns Ln
Pack 109 Awards:
Florida Seabase Patch youth must attend five Pack Meetings
Philmont Scout Ranch Patch youth must have gone on five scout hikes or special events
National Jamboree Patch youth must have gone camping with the scouts for five nights
Cub Scout Ring youth must receive all three patches above
Golden Roundtable Award awarded to den with most adults at previous Roundtable
Pack Meeting Attendance Award awarded to den with most adults at Pack Meeting